Michelle Armoni
Michelle Armoni
People and Culture
Michelle is a global HR executive strategist and human cheerleader with over 25+ years of experience. She works closely with her clients to elevate the human experience individually, amongst teams, and between executives. Now more than ever connection matters. She believes that inciting the skills and passion of the company’s talent while leveraging the true character strengths of its people, elevates satisfaction and bottomline results. Michelle works with the VIA Character Strengths Assessment and the Facet5 suite of
organizational insight tools.
Michelle has been a consultant for over 15 years with extensive experience in organizational development, communication strategy, and work process improvement. Her focus driven strategy and consultation approach with
executives helps to maximize the efficiency of operations, the productivity of the company’s talent and the quality of product output.
Michelle is a full resource executive with a passion for the human experience. Michelle earned a certificate in Positive Psychology from the University of Pennsylvania, a Masters of Science in Organizational Development from Johns Hopkins University, a certificate in Human Resources from Loyola Marymount University, and a Bachelor’s Degree in
Psychology, with a Minor in Personnel, from Syracuse University. Michelle also holds a certification as a Mediator through the Los Angeles County Bar Association.
Michelle is a founding board member of Unatti Foundation, a nonprofit that provides comprehensive life-skills programs for girls in Nepal who come from truly vulnerable situations. Michelle also provides coaching for those on LinkedIn with passion and interest for the field of Human Resources as well as a contributing memberof Currnt.
Michelle fully agrees with Jim Carey that “you can fail at something you don’t want, so you might as well take a chance doing what you love.” Michelle lives in Los Angeles with her husband and two boys.